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Your guide to planning fun themed dinner parties. From casual gatherings to elegant events, we cover the atmosphere, food, drinks, entertainment, and personal touches – all you need is here!

Our Story

All of the women in my family tend to be a little bit extra when it comes to organized events.  When our mom went on a three-week trip to Italy with her parents, she left us a detailed map with envelopes to open every night that contained information on where they were and what they had done that day, and a little treat or activity.  Since we were children, the treats quickly became the sole focus.  If I remember correctly my dad made sure it looked like we had done everything before she got home. 

As adults, the weeks leading up to birthdays are spent labouring over picking out the perfect gifts, the perfect way to present said gifts (including the order in which they should be opened), and the most touching message we can write in the card that may or may not generate some tears.  The process of planning, creating and then enjoying the results is something we all really, really enjoy.  So to no one’s surprise, when the themed dinner parties began it became a way for us to show our creativity and flex our planning muscles.  

Once a week we meet at someone’s house after work and enjoy a meal together.  The themes range from elaborate and extravagant to simple and relaxed.  Our partners are just as involved, although they have had to ask that we reign it in on more than one occasion.  There is only so much time and money available, and unfortunately, it cannot all go to crafting excellent dinner parties. 

If I had to take a guess, that’s why you are here.  You are set to host a dinner party, and of course, it has to have a theme, but you only have so much time in the day available to think about it.  So you do what we all do, and google it.  Welcome friend, we hope we can help! 

You know your guests best, so it’s up to you whether you use this as a detailed instruction manual or just as a creative spark.  We will provide you with a theme, and how to make it come alive – the atmosphere, food, drinks, entertainment or activities, and personal touches.  Our goal is to help you with planning a dinner that builds and fosters connection with other people, as at the end of the day that’s what it is all about.  

Right now we are working away in the background to get our ducks in a row to begin weekly posts. Join our mailing list and follow us on social media to make sure you don’t miss out!

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